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Dugong (3)-01.png
Dugong (3)-04.png
Dugong (3)-03.png
Dugong (3)-02.png

7 Elements of Art

  • Line

  • Form

  • Value

  • Shape

  • Color

  • Texture

  • Space

The endangered animal I chose was the "Dugong" also know as a "Sea Cow". They are not super close to extinction but a very limited amount remain, and are slowly declining everyday due to pollution and lack of Sea Grass. Located in Coastal East Africa, I would one day love to see them in person and be able to swim with them. The way I used the elements of art, I first traced out the Dugong with the pen tool (Line). Then using "Gradient" to add value, and then using texture tool to add "Texture". With the lighting of the sun gleaming into the water, is where "Form" came from from the lighting of the Dugong. Lastly, splitting the artboards and changing the "Colors". I would like my audience to notice, how gentle the Dugong looks and want them to spread awareness of not only the dugongs but to all endangered species. The only thing I would've done differently is choosing a different animal. About how much detail you can add to a photo by just the 7 element​

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